Yo Tambien (Me Too)

Yo Tambien (Me Too) is a spanish comedic drama film that tells the story of a 34 year old man named Daniel, the first person in his country to graduate from university with Down Syndrome.

Daniel (Pablo Pinedo) makes it through college with the support of his loving parents, but that is only the beginning of his trials. His first true aptitude test is to go out in the world and find a job. Daniel manages to successfully land a job in a social services office where he meets outspoken party girl Laura (Lola Dueñas). Daniel asks Laura out on a date and quickly falls for her. The two embark on a friendship and gradually form a unique bond. Together they must tackle Laura’s relationship issues and Daniel’s unfamiliarity with dating. They break boundaries as they work through their respective problems and grow closer.me too

It must be noted that actor Pablo Pinedo was also one of the first people in Spain to graduate from Spain with Down’s Syndrome. The parallel connection between the life of actor and character surely contributes to the stellar performance he provides. The film is light-hearted, thoughtful and uplifting. Yo Tambien’s on-screen romance has a chemistry that is tangible.

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